Learn How To Choose A Motivational Speaker To Speak At The Anti-Bullying Pep Rally At Your School

Bullying has become a huge problem in many public-school systems. There are children who do not want to go to school because they are afraid that they are going to be bullied when they go to their classes. This is not the way that any child should have to live. If you are the principal of a public school, consider hiring a motivational speaker to talk to the children at your school to help them learn that bullying is not a good thing to do. The following guide walks you through a few things to look for when searching for the right motivational speaker:

Search for a Speaker the Children Can Relate to

When you look for a motivational speaker to talk to the students at your school, you need to choose a speaker that the children can relate to. Choose someone that the children will recognize or someone who is in their early twenties. Being able to see someone who they know or who is closer to their age may help them to relate to the person more than they would relate to someone who is older or not well known.

Search for a Speaker Who Has a Topic that Will Interest the Children

It is best to choose a speaker who has relevant information to pass onto the children about bullying. You may want to choose someone who was a bully in school, which lead them down the wrong path and ended up getting them placed in the corrections system.

Search for a Speaker Who Can Provide Factual Information to the Children

When you hire a speaker, look for someone who can provide factual information to the children. Having a video that shows the prison where the person was incarcerated, or the charges that were brought against the person in a situation where the bullying escalated to violence may help a child realize that what they consider to be harmless fun can quickly lead to a dangerous situation. There are even some speakers who will be able to come in with things that they had while they were in prison to give the children a better view of what they can expect if they keep going down the wrong path of bullying.

Hearing that bullying can have huge repercussions may help to inspire some children to stop their poor behavior and help the children who are being bullied understand that they have to report the bullying if they want it to stop. Be sure to have a support system in place for the children who are being bullied to use after the assembly is over so that any children who need help can get it right away. 

Contact a speaker like Dr. Brad Larsen for more information and assistance. 

About Me

Tips for Planning Unique Events

When I was growing up, my mother loved planning parties and events. When she didn't have an event of her own to plan, she was always willing to lend a helping hand to any friend of hers or family member who needed a little help planning theirs. She had a knack for making events unique, and everyone who attended the events she helped plan made remarks about how unique they were. She included unusual foods in the buffet lineup and always adorned the party venues with unique decor. Now that she is older, I have taken over as the family event planner and love every minute of it. I have many event planning tips to share with others, so I decided to create my own blog to share them on!



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